Sunday 17 March 2013

The strange world of triathlon training...

Blog 5 – 15th March 2013

Almost 8 weeks complete and I’m starting to be consumed by training. Not in a bad way, quite the opposite but it is funny how you can become addicted to training. Of course I’m being mindful of overtraining and following the structured training programme that I’ve been given but I think it’s a little funny how I can become strangely fond of getting out in the wind and rain for a run or cycle.

That brings me on to my second disturbing worry about the psychological ‘damage’ that triathlon has on a person. So last night I found myself dressing up in all things lycra and heading out in the dark. Now, if that’s not a bit weird then I don’t know what is. Seriously though, I went out for what I thought would be an hour or so, little did I know the ‘so’ part was an extra 45 mins. After a short sit down and the obligatory cuppa, I logged on to the internet and to my excitement I’d clocked up 11.5 miles. Ha good news, that’s the long run ticked off for this week. ‘Glass half full kinda guy’.

Although I’m still relatively new to the sport of triathlon I will definitely be recommending to all and sundry. I really enjoy the training variety, yes the duration of some sessions can get a bit boring but by breaking  the week up with weight training, running, cycling and swimming, getting bored of doing the same old routine just isn’t possible. It’s great sport for people that struggle with the monotony of the gym or need a new challenge. Anyway I’m getting off the soap box, I’m only 8 weeks in, let’s just see if I’m this enthused with triathlon in a few months time. ‘Glass half empty kinda guy’.

Right, that’s it from me for now. I’ll report back after the testing day at the weekend. Oh and sorry I got my weeks a little muddled. On my last post I wrote that my testing session was on the 10th but I was wrong and it’s actually on the 17th. Anyway, I’m off out in the dark ;-)... [GN]

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